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    Check my books and musical albums

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    How to break the stress cycle (click on the pic to buy from my store)

    A Practical Guide to living a healthy, happy, and fulfilling Life

    1. Introduction
    2. Who are you? Where do you come from?
    3. Knowing your body.
    The physical aspect of our existence
    4. How it all started
    5. Examining the dysfunctions of the body and the
    roads to healing
    6. Why the body loves moving
    7. Exploring your mind and soul
    8. The power of the conscious and the
    subconscious mind
    9. What is the mind? Is it the same as the brain?
    10. Malfunctions of the mind
    11. The 2 most powerful behaviors of the mind
    12. Your spiritual self
    13. Healing yourself physically and mentally
    14. Common misconceptions
    15. 7 Practical tips to regain clarity, sanity, and oneness

    16. understanding stress scientifically

    "A Journey From The Womb To The Second Womb" is a journey of self-discovery through the lenses of the author.

    It is an eye-opening venture as it takes you through every aspect of your divine self. passing by body-mind-soul

    If you’re looking to understand who you really are beyond what society tells you to be, this is the perfect read for you.

    If you’re looking to find a good balance between a peaceful, happy mind and a healthy body, this book has great practical tips for you.

    this book not only speaks about the causes of stress but about solutions and about secrets techniques and know-how. to ELIMINATE Stress.

    -You will Receive also A full Album meditative cd- for peace, de-stressing, calmness, composed to target brain waves for reducing their excitability

    _between life experiences, trips, studies, this book Talks about my personal experience too.

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    or for back cover, you can buy from amazon, hardcopy https://www.amazon.com/How-break-Stress-cycle-existential/dp/B085K5JLDR

  • The anti stress solution

    My book for fast anti stress solutions (understanding stress)

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    Practical tips for chronic stress

    E-BOOK !! {Practical Tips For Chronic Stress} !!!

    In Only 50 pages, you will get info and tips, condensed in a nice, practical and light way, more than 10 heavy books.

    For you to heal From stress, you must understand it, get more info
    accept it
    learn tips from all 3 angles

    Trust me I have been there, and I'm sharing my knowledge as never read before

    From My perspective as a life coach, stress coach, nutrition consultant
    music composer, author

    you will not get this type of info in this clear matter anywhere


    you will get over 10 pieces of music, burn down a cd, and listen to it
    at home, car, and get relived immediately,
    these music are meant for your relaxation and healing
    they are from my composition too.

    fb @stress.coach1
    email : jad1mhanna@gmail.com

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    Sun flower album 2019


    When borders do not exist,
    when boundaries disappear,


    magical melodies, and a sunflower music will blossom

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    Circle Of Life -Piano Book -Vol 2 by Jad Mehanna


    I'm proudly presenting my second book of music volume 2

    "the circle of life"


    7 nice pieces that will help you train your fingers and make you dream and give you joy.

    Composed by Jad Mehanna


    My first book La riviere Du Ciel is Here ----> https://jad-mehanna-store.jump...


    fb@ Jad mhanna music


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    Number 1 online piano lessons - 16 songs, 14 techniques -16 notation




    برنامج لتعليم البيانو متكامل،فيديو تقنيات وأغاني مع النوتة 16 معزوفة مع الفيديو والنوتة ، شرح دقيق ومحترف للمبتدئين والمتوسطين 15 فيديو تقنيات، مقامات، ليونة اسابيع، فصل حواس

    you can buy full program (30 videos) only for 69$

    for Lebanese 250 000LL omt , ask jad1mhanna@gmail.com (payment via OMT, western union"

    00961 71 928805

    يمكنكم شراء برنامج كامل والأول في الشرق
    watch the teaser here ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-whlPMhPCI&t=2s


    list of songs Songs من الأسهل إلى الأصعب -حسب اقتراحاتي 1-

    kan al zaman w kan

    2- nassam 3alayna al hawa 3-3 daqat

    4- nhna wl amar jiran

    5- Dik byndah

    6-chati ya denye

    7- ahwak feiruz

    8- na2ilik ahla Zahra

    9- bnt al chalabya

    10-hello lionel Richie

    11- love story

    12- ya 3ashikata al wardi

    13- my way

    14- kifak inta

    15- Kadyat al 3am ahmad

    16- ymkn nthana bi 7obak Techniques -

    تقنيات مقامات، كوردات، فصل حواس . من الأسهل إلى الأصعب -حسب اقتراحاتي مقامات، عجم، نهوند

    Gamme do maj,

    Gamme la min

    Gamme fa majeur,

    re min Gamme sol majeur,

    min mineur Gamme sib majeur,

    sol mineur Gamme re majeur, si mineur

    يمكنكم خلط الفيديوهات حسب مستوى عزفكم

    How to play a chord-كيفية العزف على الكرد

    how to play chord arpeggios-كيفية العزف سلم الأكورات

    how to play chords classical -كيفية عزف الأكورات فصل حواس

    How to play oriental chords-كيفية العزف الأكردات الشرقية

    program piano western chords tech- تحريك أصابع اليسار مع الكردات

    hanon 1 finger exercises -مرين رقم 1

    hanon 2 finger +oriental -تمرين رقم 2

    hanon 3 finger exercises - تمرين رقم 3



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    Jad Mehanna - Anti Stress Program -Download Online -explanation in arabic- books in english and arabic




    أفضل برنامج عبر الإنترنت للتحكم في مشاعرنا وأفكارنا وعلاج ضغوطنا + كتابان + ألبوم موسيقي للتوتر + تأكيدات صوتية

    how to break the stress cycle (book)
    kayf nata7arar mn da2irat 2aldaghet 2alnafsi kitab
    the anti stress manual -alkoutayeb 2almoudad lil tawator
    1-word doc life satisfaction
    2-life satisfaction video
    هل أنا راضي في حياتي
    3-turn negative into positive
    تحويل الافكار السلبية إلى إيجابية
    4-wheel of life word doc
    4-wheel of life video
    دائرة الحياة فيديو
    5-many form of breathing عدة تمارين للتنفس
    6-advanced exercises for stretching for pain and flexibility
    تمارين متقدمة للأوجاع والليونة
    7-EFT emotional freedom techniques
    التحرر من المشاعر
    8 -introduction مقدمة للبرنامج
    9-qi gong تمرين جسدي للهدوء
    10-belly breathing التنفس من البطن
    11-unleash morning إخراج الطاقة عند الصباح
    12-توكيدات positive affirmations
    additional techniques and understanding
    video 1 introduction +affirmation (moukadima+tawkidat)
    video 2 breathing - tanafos
    video 3 -eft trauma (al ta7aror mn 2al macha3er)
    video 4 -EMDR -tikanyat bi2ousloub 2alnazar
    video 5- racing thoughts - giberish talk - afkar sari3a-tikanyat lil takhfif
    video 6- journal gratitude -kayfa naktob yawmyatna ma3 2alchoukr
    video 7- nutrition and supplement - taghzyat salimat lil dimagh
    8 tracks of music
    4 tracks affirmations
    8 maktou3at mousykyat lil houdou2
    4 file lil sama3 tawkidat ijabyat








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    Jad Mehanna -Stress away musical album

    you can stream or download from all platform, click on the pic


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    Jad Mehanna -La Riviere du ciel album

    you can stream or download from all platform, click on the pic


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    Jad Mehanna -Memories album

    you can stream or download from all platform, click on the pic


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